अछेोऽयमदाोऽयमेोऽशोय एव च ।
िनयसवगतथाणुरचलोऽयं सनातनः ॥२४॥
This soul is indestructible incombustible. It can neither be wetted nor dried. It is eternal. It is all-prevading, stable, immovable and everlasting.
March 17th 1942 to August 6th 2006 Loved and remembered dearly by wife Saroj and daughters Shubhada, Sharwari, Shruti and Sharmilee
Dear Bhau,
Where did you go
When you were lying in the ICU bed, oblivious to the goings,
Slithering tubes going in and out of you
With life saving drugs being pumped in your body.
Did you watch from a distance as
Doctors struggled to keep your body alive.
Mom shed tears till they were dried,
And prayed till time infinite.
You watched while it rained and flights were delayed,
Till we got to your bed, touched you and spoke to you.
Did you hear from a distance all our prayers for you?
And did you feel the love of your lifetime,
Of a wife, a mother, a daughter, a friend?
Dear Bhau,
Thank you for waiting patiently despite the pain,
For letting us tell you one last time how much we love you.
For you waited before gliding any further,
Distant lights were beckoning you towards them.
Hope the blanket of love, the warmth of the pyre,
The breeze in the wind and the lapping waves of the river,
The sweet sounds of your favorite tunes,
Make your journey smoother.
Moments.........with love!
Every moment that I spent with you my dad has left an imprint on my mind
motherhood all in its own kind,
But never knew that your unending surprises would leave no place to unwind.....
You taught me to love the world with a throbbing heart full of passion and laughter
which elated me to a high pedestal leaving behind the sorrows of life.....
You were always a pillar of strength to lean-on in all my tough times,
though the frightful call told me you were in pain my eyes searched the
reassuring smile saying everthing was just fine.....
The sky was pouring through my eyes not knowing the floods of sorrow rise
all along till I saw you my heart was pleading for your life to the God in the blue skies.....
Then I saw the reflection of serenity beaming on your face
and that moment told me you had made up your mind for a graceful escape.....
I shook your heart,touched your forehead and reached to your soul
to let you know that its my turn this time at your bedside with a heart to console.....
We your daughters and your wife surrounded you with our boundless ties
and then we saw you fading away with tears in our eyes and a solemn prayer.....
You had waited for this Moment to give us a spark of your golden heart
Oh! my dad your final surprise gave us courage to let you depart!
Dear Bhau,
It’s been four months since your demise and I just realized how soon the days are turning into months. I haven’t been writing on the blog because probably I have been constantly talking to you. You have been watching, guiding, smiling, frowning and I have seen those expressions reflected on your photograph hanging on my wall.
It’s almost as if you are in India with aai and we will soon see you again. Then when I recollect how the Pune home will be without your presence, or when I’ll see aai without you beside her, it brings tears to the eyes.
I think it’s good to cry every once in a while to face the reality of your loss rather than to pretend that you are in India and we will see you soon.
But then I also feel good that you are watching over me and guiding me.
I still remember the story you had shared with me from Saint Ramdas’s life history. The story was that as a young boy Saint Ramdas had set off from his home, in search of god. He walked along the banks of river Godavari as his mother had told him he would find god at the mouth of the river. He walked on for days and yet couldn’t find the mouth of the river Godavari. One day he met an old hermit living in a hut besides river Godavari. He rested at the hut for some time and then asked the hermit if he had seen the God at the mouth of the river.
Hermit told him that he too had set off in search of god and had spent days looking for him. He could get only this far and now he was too old and frail to walk any further. But he could guide Ramdas and show him the path to reach to the mouth of river Godavari. And so he did.
We too need a hermit in our lives to show the sign ‘this way please’ and I am glad you guided me like the hermit. I too have set off on a trail where I know I have a long way to go. I also realize that I can take a few people along with me. So my music classes have become my goal and I am enjoying them thoroughly. I also realize that sharing my knowledge with others increases it ten folds and there is immense satisfaction in that too.
I just wish that I could have spent more time during childhood and in growing up years learning from ajji . I remember her frequently and all the old songs, which she had taught, are coming back. It’s amazing how the childhood memories are imprinted in our minds, all we need is some stimulation to activate the defunct memory. I also wish that I could have spent more time with you as you had a lot of knowledge on varied topics and it was there to seek but we never had the time to do so.
Anyways what is past cannot be amended but the future can learn from the past. So I hope I continue to learn and learn and keep my heart and mind open to learning. Every experience in life has a learning and I hope I make the most of it. And I know I will have your and aai’s blessings with me forever.
Dear Bhau,
It’s 6th of August 2007. Time has just gone by - days into months and months into a year since your demise.
But it just seems like yesterday that we all were together. Everything keeps coming back and the memories are so fresh, so new that it’s hard to imagine that they will not be relived.
Yesterday I made your favorite Sabudana Khichadi and was reminded of how much you had relished the ‘Sweet Home’ khichadi at Pune. Today I made your favorite ‘phodni chi poli’ and was again remembering how you and I would try and take a bigger share. Whenever I play Kumar Gandharva’s ‘Uthi uthi Gopala’, I go back to the LP record days and to the times when you would play that early in the morning during Diwali.
I remember the Rangayan days and the days when you used to make my plats and ajji used to feed me scrambled eggs before going to school. I remember our days at Belgaum and the fun we had at the house on pillars. I remember our South India trip and the cake aai had carried from Delhi for me and I had cut it early in the morning before our visit to Tirupati.
Dear Bhau we have all the memories to keep us going but please watch over all of us. Just the thought that you are still somewhere close by, watching over all of us gives us a lot of strength!
Dear Bhau, You have always been my inspiration.It is hard to believe you are not there because you still reside in my heart.There are so many memories that it is not possible to put them in few sentences.I am sure where ever youare you are with all of us.
With every passing year,
with every memory yearned,
you will strengthen my resolve to accomplish the hardest things of all!
Thank you for watching over us...
Dear Bhau,
I am sure you would be also celebrating the 100th birth anniversary of Appa today.
I tried it my way little by saying it poetically.
Want you to read it,posting it here for you.
Eyes once again imagine the familiar silhouette of a tall man
Adorned in cotton white, with a cane, walking briskly.
Sea-blue eyes closed to clatter, deep in thoughts, rather meditating,
Strongly determined, walking the miles imperviously, step by step.
Leaving behind shadows of arduous childhood, full of sweat and toil
Fatherless at early age, brought up by winds of time, in adversity.
Youthful years full of hope and desire to excel in life.
And the will to succeed in spite of all odds, a true symbol of edification.
For warmth and happiness treading the path, tirelessly, with conviction.
Sorrow insurmountable after losing partner, but happy to have a fruit.
Knotted again to spend life’s beautiful moments, sharing and caring.
Existence full of ups and down, every mile crossed in faith, together, made for each other.
A persona of high intellect, discretion and passion hand in hand
Voracious reader, wit and wisdom oozing out of millions of cells.
Confidence almost intimidating all other lesser mortals on earth
Values and belief in oneself, of the highest order, unshakable, by the tides of time.
My grandfather taught me to think, act and perform on the canvas of life.
Let there be any season, fill your colors around make life worthwhile, living.
And do not worry about anything; the Supreme Intelligence will look after you.
Speak fearlessly, hold head high, seek perfection, be un-compromising towards mediocrity.
I saw him down only once during illness, on death bed, for a while, unanticipated.
Faint whispers, nonchalant even then, everyone around seeking his attention.
He, passing into the oblivion, seeking the eternal truth, veins frozen.
I look up to him for strength, for living in paucity, with pride and hope,
And to fulfill life’s mission, explicit, without burning out.
The candle of light continues the journey, forward…....
Shubhada Sakurikar
April 3, 2008
Hope you will like it. Tell me your feed back in the dreams.
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