Sunday, April 06, 2008

Written by Shruti Panandiker (Moved from comment)

Dear Bhau,
It’s 6th of August 2007. Time has just gone by - days into months and months into a year since your demise.
But it just seems like yesterday that we all were together. Everything keeps coming back and the memories are so fresh, so new that it’s hard to imagine that they will not be relived.
Yesterday I made your favorite Sabudana Khichadi and was reminded of how much you had relished the ‘Sweet Home’ khichadi at Pune. Today I made your favorite ‘phodni chi poli’ and was again remembering how you and I would try and take a bigger share. Whenever I play Kumar Gandharva’s ‘Uthi uthi Gopala’, I go back to the LP record days and to the times when you would play that early in the morning during Diwali.
I remember the Rangayan days and the days when you used to make my plats and ajji used to feed me scrambled eggs before going to school. I remember our days at Belgaum and the fun we had at the house on pillars. I remember our South India trip and the cake aai had carried from Delhi for me and I had cut it early in the morning before our visit to Tirupati.

Dear Bhau we have all the memories to keep us going but please watch over all of us. Just the thought that you are still somewhere close by, watching over all of us gives us a lot of strength!

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