Sunday, April 06, 2008

Your's Truly Said ... Written By Amruta and Apurva (moved from comments)

Hello! Amruta and Apurva Nargundkar here. (Sharwari's and Satyajit's nieces)

To us Bhau Kanitkar was always Bhau azoba, just as his grandsons Rutwik and Rohit called him. We didn't know him very well, but whenever we met him he was always smiling, telling witty jokes and being a friend to all the kids around him.

Rutwik and Rohit adored him very much, and through them we too grew to respect and be very fond of Nani ajji and Bhau azoba.

Whenever we met him, he was the grandfather we missed having, filling the void of a loving azoba in our lives.

We remember admiring him a lot, whether it was his habit of keeping physically fit even in his sixties, or all the general knowledge that he had and imparted to the kids, the memories our mami shared with us about Bhau azoba playing guitar and singing all the classic songs, or his great sense of humour.

When we heard that azoba had passed away, both our parents and we were shocked, but as we said to mami, his beloved family was there with him when he died, and he must have known how much everyone loved him and taken that love of his wife and children and grandchildren with him.

Over the years we've met all his grandchildren, Rutwik, Rohit, Prajakta, Sannidhi, Siddhart, Nandini and Parikshit; everyone of them must have felt the loss of their much loved grandpa greatly. But his teachings will always be with them and we're sure that they'll cherish in life all the qualities that he passed on to them.

Nani ajji is a very brave woman, and this quality of hers is in all her daughters too. Sharwari mami and Sharmilee mavshi who I know very well have carried on with their daily lives never letting the smiles on their faces show their sorrow. And this blog in honour of Bhau azoba is a very fine tribute to him, since it remembers him with creativity and love, in the form of poems written by his near and dear ones, and we're sure he would have been wanted to be remembered exactly like this, inspiring creativity rather than sadness.

We hope more great memories of Bhau azoba will be posted on this blog in the future.

Best of luck to everybody.

Amruta and Apurva.

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